Monday, May 25, 2009

Podcasting is a Success

So, this past week I had most of my students record their poetry and we posted it on the blog. They were SO excited. They had so much fun with it and I think they did a great job. What is exciting is that I had a student help me with the process. This was student who struggles in my class, but he exelled here. He was one of the first ones that I tried this with and he learned the process. He then helped the others with it.

I am going to try video next, but I am not sure how that will work. That is something I will have to play around with and see. Well, hope everyone enjoys 8 more days!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I am Getting Impatient

The poems are being written and the permission slips are coming in. At the end of the week we will be "podcasting" our poems. I am trying to describe how I am feeling about trying this out in my classroom, but there are no words. There seriously is excitement in the air when we talk about it in class. When we talk about it, I see smiles on their faces and they just get this "glow" about them. How cool is that? Especially with only 12 days or so left in the school year.

I will keep everyone posted on how it works. The ideas are already swimming in my head about everything we can do with this starting from day one.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009