Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Did you know that the computer changes what you type before it posts it on the blog?

This morning I gave the students their comments back so they could revise and edit their answers. I then asked them to explain to me what they have figured out. Most of the students responded with, "I didn't use a capital letter to begin my sentence." or " I forgot to capitalize I." The other responses were the same until one student raised her hand and said, 'The computer changed what I wrote. It mispelled some of the words and forgot to capitalize the beginning of the sentence." I just had to laugh....wasn't sure what else to do at that moment.


  1. This is too funny!!! I would have died :) Gotta love them tho!!!

  2. That is a new one! I think I would have had to laugh too.

  3. Funny! It reminds me of when my students say 'the calculator is messing up and it is giving me the wrong answer'. It is ALWAYS a user error! :)

  4. It kind of reminds me of when they are taking a standardized test and say, "They don't have the correct answer."

  5. This so shows how we are too dependent to computers/technology..
